Gut Health Experts
Dr. Sakshi
Gut Expert
Meet Dr Sakshi, our dedicated Gut Health Educator. While trained as a BDS she also specializes in educating and creating awareness around Gut Health. With a strong passion for supporting individuals grappling with chronic gut issues, Dr Sakshi is committed to offering the right guidance and treatment for conditions such as IBS, Colitis, GERD, Fatty Liver and others. Her strong dedication stems from a desire to help people overcome these challenges and elevate their quality of life.
Priyanka Chitkara
Meet our Senior Nutritionist, Priyanka , M.Sc. in Nutrition and Dietetics, specializing in Gut Health. With a holistic approach, she expertly navigates the complexities of Gut-related issues like IBS, Gastritis, GERD, bloating and other digestive disorders along with metabolic issues like Fatty Liver. Her passion for holistic health shines through in her dedication to balancing nutrition combining functional and ayurvedic nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices, and mental well-being for optimal health.